Author Archives: Nielson_Admin

Utah Statute of Limitations: Never assume that you have a full two years in which to sue a careless doctor or hospital under Utah Law!

Most people are aware that generally, Utah law allows victims of medical negligence two years in which to sue the doctor, nurse, or hospital who committed malpractice against them. However, that is only a general rule. The general rule is riddled with exceptions. One of the biggest exceptions to this rule is the hospital at […]

Why You May Want to Reconsider Giving Birth in a Small Hospital

You need to think ahead when you’re getting ready to have your baby, because your doctor might not. Remember, although this delivery is the most intense and exciting thing you’ve experienced in the last several years, or maybe even in your lifetime, it will likely be just one of several your doctor delivers that day. […]

Compartment Syndrome

Over the years, our firm has had the opportunity to represent countless clients who have suffered life-changing complications following what they thought would be fairly simple surgeries. One of the most devastating complications we have seen is something called compartment syndrome. Compartment syndrome is a life-threatening condition that occurs when pressure within your muscles builds […]

Weight Loss Surgery – Bariatric weight loss case

The complications you may have after weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) are more likely to hurt you then the surgery itself. Weight loss surgery was invented about 40 years ago.  It can be a life-saving/life-altering benefit for some people.  Millions of Americans have now had bariatric surgery.  There are several types of bariatric surgery:  Roux-en-Y […]


The unthinkable happens more often than many people realize. As a firm, we have handled several of these cases over the years. The scenarios are always shocking: Psychiatrist rapes an adolescent female who is undergoing treatment for an eating disorder. Psychiatrist violated clinic policy by doing a pelvic exam unaccompanied by a nurse or chaperone. […]


We recently settled a case involving a nine-year-old girl who was taken to a government-subsidized medical clinic. She was seen by a physician’s assistant. She had classic appendicitis symptoms which the PA totally missed: periumbilical abdominal pain, diffuse abdominal tenderness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and an elevated pulse rate (tachycardia). The PA didn’t order […]

Suits against United States

Under the best circumstances, pursuing a medical malpractice claim is difficult. Taking on the federal government can be even more daunting. Nonetheless, representing injured patients against the federal government can be emotionally rewarding. These patients are, in many cases, the most deserving of our help. They are often veterans, children, and the poor. An patient […]

Why Does My Case Take So Long to Resolve?

By Attorney Mark Dahl I am often asked “why does it take so long to resolve my lawsuit?” Unfortunately, there is not always a satisfactory answer. I break malpractice cases into five phases: (1) Independent Research and Preparation; (2) Administrative Review; (3) Fact Discovery; (4) Expert Discovery; and (5) Trial. Each phase will likely take […]