Category Archives: Medication

Things to watch out for after you’ve undergone weight loss (bariatric) surgery

Common Post-Surgery Complications: Understanding the Risks First and foremost, recognize the recovery for weight loss surgery is six months to one year, not two weeks. One of the biggest risks after weight loss surgery is that the patient will develop chronic malnutrition. This can be incredibly serious. In extreme cases, a patient deprived of thiamine […]

Weight Loss Surgery – Bariatric weight loss case

The complications you may have after weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) are more likely to hurt you then the surgery itself. Weight loss surgery was invented about 40 years ago.  It can be a life-saving/life-altering benefit for some people.  Millions of Americans have now had bariatric surgery.  There are several types of bariatric surgery:  Roux-en-Y […]

Pediatric Burns Tips and Tricks

By Laura Nielson We’ve had a very hot summer this year, and many children are at risk for severe sunburns or burning themselves on surfaces overheated by the sun. We recently had a case in which a child was burned on his hands and feet from an unforeseeable risk. By preparing for that case, we […]