
Taking legal action is often a wise course, but finding a malpractice attorney who is suited to your situation and needs can be challenging.

5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Recovering after an instance of malpractice is a complicated and difficult road to walk for both patients and family members. Taking legal action is often a wise course, but finding a malpractice attorney who is suited to your situation and needs can be challenging. If you’re unsure of where to start, asking these five questions […]

malpractice lawyer

The Top 10 Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice

Getting to know common types of medical malpractice is crucial for both patients and healthcare providers. Doctors, nurses, and other professionals need this solid understanding of best practices to maintain patient safety and provide the best care possible. For patients, this knowledge empowers them to recognize potential signs of negligence and take proactive steps to […]

malpractice medical attorney

7 Warning Signs of Medical Malpractice to Watch For

It’s hard to believe that a healthcare professional would make a mistake, but unfortunately, medical malpractice happens more often than you’d think. Imagine trusting your loved one in the hands of a doctor only to find out they’ve been harmed due to negligence or incompetence. We want you to clearly understand the key indicators of […]

insta care

The Danger of the Neighborhood InstaCare

Let’s talk about the neighborhood InstaCare. Have I ever gone to an InstaCare? Yes. Have I ever taken a sick child to an InstaCare? Yes. They are convenient. They are probably closer to your home than the closest emergency room. The wait time to see a doctor is probably shorter. But understand exactly what you’re […]

attorneys for malpractice

5 Critical Steps to Take After Experiencing Medical Malpractice

Everyone trusts medical professionals to provide safe and effective treatment, but in the worst-case scenario, medical errors do occur. If you believe that you or a loved one has been a victim of professional negligence, it can often feel overwhelming to know what to do next—especially if you don’t have the professional help of attorneys […]

birth injury lawyer

How to Identify Medical Malpractice in Birth Injury Cases

As a new parent, the responsibilities of taking care of a new child are overwhelming—and that struggle becomes even more complex if your child has been injured due to a mistake in the birthing process. It’s a tough road to navigate, but understanding whether medical malpractice played a role is crucial. That’s where having a […]

What To Do If Your Doctor Has Medical “Tunnel Vision” And Will Not Order The Tests You Need

This is a sad story. 42-year-old man has a malfunctioning heart. The rhythm is off. This medical condition is sometimes referred to as atrial fibrillation. His electrophysiologist (a type of cardiologist) decides to perform an ablation procedure on the heart to restore normal rhythm. This involves putting a catheter through the femoral artery up into […]

Things to watch out for after you’ve undergone weight loss (bariatric) surgery

Common Post-Surgery Complications: Understanding the Risks First and foremost, recognize the recovery for weight loss surgery is six months to one year, not two weeks. One of the biggest risks after weight loss surgery is that the patient will develop chronic malnutrition. This can be incredibly serious. In extreme cases, a patient deprived of thiamine […]

Why Emergency Room Physicians Don’t Understand How To Take Care Of Patients Who Have Recently Undergone Bariatric Surgery

Here is something we have learned at G. Eric Nielsen & Associates from hard experience over many years: People who undergo weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) are at risk for severe post-surgical complications for several months. Bariatric surgery is not like gallbladder surgery. It is not like an appendectomy. When the surgeon removes your diseased […]