Category Archives: Hospital

Compartment Syndrome

Over the years, our firm has had the opportunity to represent countless clients who have suffered life-changing complications following what they thought would be fairly simple surgeries. One of the most devastating complications we have seen is something called compartment syndrome. Compartment syndrome is a life-threatening condition that occurs when pressure within your muscles builds […]


The unthinkable happens more often than many people realize. As a firm, we have handled several of these cases over the years. The scenarios are always shocking: Psychiatrist rapes an adolescent female who is undergoing treatment for an eating disorder. Psychiatrist violated clinic policy by doing a pelvic exam unaccompanied by a nurse or chaperone. […]

GEN Attorneys Assist with Landmark Utah Supreme Court Case

On Friday, the Utah Supreme Court handed down its decision in Turner v. University of Utah Hosps.  You can read the decision here. Ms. Turner was severely hurt in a car accident, and while she was being treated for her injuries at the hospital, staff members negligently moved her, breaking her back and paralyzing her. […]

Medical Negligence and Keeping Secrets

Health Leaders Media recently reported that a startlingly high percentage of health care providers fail to disclose their errors due to fears of reprisal or retaliation. As a medical malpractice lawyer, I’ve never understood why hospitals and health care corporations don’t just admit their mistakes and make the people whole.  They would put my colleagues […]