Author Archives: G. Eric Nielson & Associates

Jeffs v. West – Clarifying Utah Law

Today the Utah Supreme Court issued its opinion in Jeffs v. West; an article on the decision is available here.  It’s an interesting opinion about duties of professional care in medical malpractice cases.  The unanimous decision is likely to stir a lot of controversy, mostly because of the unfounded concern that, as reporter Melinda Rogers […]

The Right Lawyer for the Job

One of my first jobs was working construction with my dad during the summer.  Although he had a general contractor’s license, he really considered himself a finish carpenter–he was always good with details.  He taught me that even though he could probably figure out how to do the various jobs associated with building a home […]

Killer Pain Killers: Prescription Drug Negligence

Today a jury found physician Dewey MacKay guilty of forty counts of illegal distribution.  This conviction follows the recent guilty pleas entered by two other Utah doctors, Warren Stack and Max Cannon.  The actions of these physicians were deemed to be not just negligent, but criminal. All three of these doctors were dispensing powerful analgesic […]

Medical Negligence and Keeping Secrets

Health Leaders Media recently reported that a startlingly high percentage of health care providers fail to disclose their errors due to fears of reprisal or retaliation. As a medical malpractice lawyer, I’ve never understood why hospitals and health care corporations don’t just admit their mistakes and make the people whole.  They would put my colleagues […]

What About the Patient?

There is a great article up at the Huffington Post that discusses the emphasis on protecting insurance companies and negligent doctors without providing adequate protection for patients in proposed health care legislation. Regardless of what side of the “tort reform” debate you find yourself, it’s worth a read. —Ryan Springer

Medical Malpractice and the Differential Diagnosis

One of the most common types of malpractice we see is physicians who miss a critical diagnosis.  Sometimes, this leads to delays in treatment which causes unnecessary pain and suffering and diminishes the chances for full recovery.  Other times, a missed or delayed diagnosis can result in permanent disability or even wrongful death. In medical […]