
10 Things You Need to Know About Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a very serious issue that can result in serious injury to the patient. It is very important for people to understand what malpractice is, who can commit malpractice, and what should be done if malpractice occurs. Medical malpractice only occurs when there is an obvious deviation from the normal standard of care […]

Do I Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

Like many others, you might believe you have a valid medical malpractice case if your doctor makes a mistake during your treatment. However, the truth is, there’s a lot more to medical malpractice lawsuits than just getting hurt. There are two key factors that you must first consider and prove: A medical professional made a […]

Who Do I Sue?

Medical malpractice victims often want to know who will be affected when they file a lawsuit.  They may like one doctor that they perceive as being the “hero.”  But they want to take the doctor that they perceive “screwed up” for everything he is worth. Hospital-Doctor Relationship Hospitals and physicians have complex legal relationships.  Some […]

Why Do I Need an Expert Witness

Expert witnesses play a vital role in all medical malpractice litigation. A consulting expert is used to review the facts of a case, to research the medical issues involved, and to help clients and attorneys gain a better understanding of how best to argue the case. In each medical malpractice case, it must be determined […]

Riggs v. Georgia-Pacific LLC, a wrongful death case

The Utah Supreme Court recently announced its decision in Riggs v. Georgia-Pacific LLC, a wrongful death case.  Wrongful death law is unique in Utah, and while the Riggs opinion clarifies certain issues, it also raises several important questions. Riggs held that if an injured person settles his or her claims against a defendant but then […]

What Is The Medical Malpractice Damages Cap?

Medical malpractice victims often hear that the law limits the amount of money an injured party can recover.  This causes significant worry and many forego litigation out of fear that it is not worth the trouble.  Understanding the legal cap on damages can help injured parties overcome this concern. There are two general types of […]

Medical Malpractice Reform Does Not Cut Hospital Costs

One of the biggest arguments advanced in support of tort reform is that many doctors, out of fear that they might get sued, practice “defensive medicine,” resulting in exorbitant medical costs to the general consumer. Two recent studies, however, suggest medical malpractice reform does not cut hospital costs. On September 15, 2014, the online medical […]

Traumatic Brain Injury

Your brain is the central control system for all functions of your body.  Accordingly, a brain injury can have a significant impact or your life, causing a multitude of different symptoms. Some of the more common symptoms include: memory loss, inability to control certain muscles, and loss of cognitive function in varying degrees. Properly diagnosing […]