Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice Reform Does Not Cut Hospital Costs

One of the biggest arguments advanced in support of tort reform is that many doctors, out of fear that they might get sued, practice “defensive medicine,” resulting in exorbitant medical costs to the general consumer. Two recent studies, however, suggest medical malpractice reform does not cut hospital costs. On September 15, 2014, the online medical […]

Traumatic Brain Injury

Your brain is the central control system for all functions of your body.  Accordingly, a brain injury can have a significant impact or your life, causing a multitude of different symptoms. Some of the more common symptoms include: memory loss, inability to control certain muscles, and loss of cognitive function in varying degrees. Properly diagnosing […]

Medical Technology Devices and Malpractice

One of the reasons that medical malpractice occurs so frequently is increased reliance on computerized systems, automatic orders, and inadequate training on the proper use of medical technology and devices.   Thankfully, the healthcare industry is starting to take note.  A recent article titled “New Medical Technology Poses Safety Problems if Users not Trained Properly,” […]

Surgical Error Hysterectomy

“Jane,” a 46-year-old working mother of three, began experiencing cramping and pain in her pelvis. She went to her gynecologist to discuss her situation. He diagnosed her with “rectocele,” a protrusion of the rectum into the vagina. He told her that he would need to perform a hysterectomy and place a mesh to fix the […]