malpractice lawyer

The Top 10 Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice

Getting to know common types of medical malpractice is crucial for both patients and healthcare providers. Doctors, nurses, and other professionals need this solid understanding of best practices to maintain patient safety and provide the best care possible.

For patients, this knowledge empowers them to recognize potential signs of negligence and take proactive steps to protect their health and legal rights. If you feel you or a loved one has been treated poorly in a medical setting, review these scenarios and contact a malpractice lawyer if any of these situations feel familiar.

1. Misdiagnosis and Delayed Diagnosis

Misdiagnosis occurs when a healthcare provider incorrectly identifies a patient’s condition, leading to the administration of inappropriate treatments or interventions. Delayed diagnosis, on the other hand, refers to a situation where a healthcare provider fails to identify a medical condition in a timely manner.

Misdiagnosis can result in unnecessary (and sometimes harmful) procedures, medication side effects, and the exacerbation of the actual condition. Delayed diagnosis can lead to the progression of a disease that could have been managed more effectively if caught earlier. Patients might face more aggressive treatment options and reduced survival rates.

2. Surgical Errors

Surgical errors include a range of mistakes such as wrong-site surgery (operating on the wrong part of the body), wrong procedure, accidental injury to organs or tissues, leaving surgical instruments inside the patient, and anesthesia mismanagement.

These errors can lead to immediate effects like extreme pain, infection, and additional surgical procedures to correct the mistakes. Long-term consequences may include chronic pain, permanent disabilities, and psychological trauma. Contacting a malpractice lawyer is an important step in handling these difficulties.

3. Medication Errors

Medication errors occur when a medical professional prescribes or administers the wrong drug (or even the right drug but incorrect dosage) or uses an improper method of delivery (such as oral tablets vs. IV).

When a patient receives the wrong drug, it may fail to address their condition or cause harmful interactions with other medications they are taking. Incorrect dosages, whether too high or too low, can lead to a range of adverse effects, from ineffective treatment to toxic reactions.

4. Anesthesia Errors

Anesthesia errors exist in several forms, such as administering too much or too little anesthesia or failure to monitor the patient’s vital signs during surgery.

These errors can lead to severe complications, including brain damage due to inadequate oxygen supply, cardiovascular complications, overdosing, pain or discomfort due to waking up during surgery, or even death.

5. Childbirth Injuries

Childbirth can unfortunately involve injuries to both mothers and infants, which can have lasting consequences on their quality of life. Injuries to infants during childbirth might include conditions like cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, or bruising.

Mothers can also suffer injuries, such as excessive bleeding, infections, or tears to the vaginal and perineal areas. These injuries can lead to chronic pain, pelvic floor disorders, and long-term reproductive health issues. Birth injuries can dramatically affect emotional and physical well-being, so always contact a malpractice lawyer if you are experiencing these challenges.

6. Failure to Treat

Failure to treat occurs when a healthcare provider correctly diagnoses a condition but does not administer the necessary care. This contrasts with misdiagnosis, where the condition itself is incorrectly identified.

Failure to treat can lead to the progression of the patient’s condition, resulting in avoidable complications, more complex and costly treatments, increased suffering, and in some cases, death.

7. Defective Medical Devices

Defective medical devices are usually a situation for your malpractice lawyer to handle. These cases happen when devices like pacemakers, dialysis filters, or insulin pumps malfunction, degrade prematurely, or fail to perform as intended.

These defects can result in infections, organ damage, or implant rejection. Patients relying on these devices might face worsened conditions or require additional surgeries, resulting in a high physical and emotional toll.

8. Hospital-Acquired Infections

When a patient contracts an infection during their stay in the hospital, it’s called a healthcare-associated infection (HAI). These infections constitute medical malpractice if they result from negligence, such as poor sanitation practices, inadequate sterilization of medical instruments, or improper use of antibiotics.

HAIs are a serious concern because patients often already have weakened immune systems when they are navigating illnesses or procedures. These infections can aggravate their condition, make their hospital stay longer, or even lead to death.

9. Poor Follow-Up or Aftercare

Follow-up and aftercare are critical in the recovery process, including monitoring the treatment’s effectiveness and addressing any complications. Follow-up visits allow healthcare providers to adjust treatments, educate patients on self-care, and intervene early if issues arise.

Without adequate follow-up, patients are at a higher risk of issues that could have been prevented or mitigated, potentially leading to hospital readmissions and prolonged suffering. A malpractice lawyer can help you determine if your aftercare was insufficient or incorrectly performed.

10. Communication Errors

Communication errors between doctors, nurses, and patients can lead to serious mistakes. Miscommunication can result in incomplete patient histories, incorrect medications or procedures, or loss of essential care instructions.

For instance, if a patient’s allergy or prescription information is not clearly communicated, it could lead to a reaction from a prescribed medication or a problematic interaction of the drugs. Likewise, misunderstandings about surgeries can cause wrong-site operations or wrong procedures.

Enlist a Malpractice Lawyer from G. Eric Nielson and Associates

At G. Eric Nielson and Associates, we care about your health and your safety. Each malpractice lawyer is an expert in the field, and we will work hard to understand you and your case. With over 76 years of combined experience and a team of experts to review your case, we’re ready to help. Contact us for a free consultation if you believe you or a family member has been harmed by malpractice—begin your road to recovery and receive the justice you deserve.