Surgical Error Hysterectomy

“Jane,” a 46-year-old working mother of three, began experiencing cramping and pain in her pelvis. She went to her gynecologist to discuss her situation. He diagnosed her with “rectocele,” a protrusion of the rectum into the vagina. He told her that he would need to perform a hysterectomy and place a mesh to fix the rectocele.

Unfortunately, the surgery went horribly wrong. Jane’s doctor, utilizing a technique that did not require visualization of the entire surgical area, placed permanent sutures through both of her sciatic nerves.

Upon awaking from surgery, Jane experienced excruciating pain and did not recover as expected. Her doctor failed to recognize the problem and eventually sent her home in a wheelchair, without any explanation.

Luckily, Jane sought help elsewhere and was able to get another surgeon that diagnosed her problem and removed the sutures. Unfortunately, the delay resulted in permanent nerve damage and Jane was forced to quit her job because she could no longer adequately perform the tasks.

The attorneys at G. Eric Nielson & Associates worked tirelessly on Jane’s medical malpractice claim. They were able to obtain a significant settlement, in excess of one million dollars, that provided substantial financial and emotional relief to Jane and her family.